Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wednesday is almost here!!

I cannot believe it is almost time for me to start my student teaching experience in Panama!!! I am so excited and a little bit nervous! I have seen God provide so incredibly for this trip, like He always does. This experience started out a little rocky and I have to admit I wasn't sure it would ever happen. My placement was changed several times which pushed back the time allowed for me to raise the support needed. I should have remembered that God knows no time constraints. I raised the money faster and easier than any missions trip I have ever been on, and it was also more than I have ever needed. I am very thankful for his provisions, He knows what I need and has never failed to provide for me. I want to thank everyone who has supported me regarding this trip so far, whether financially or in prayer. I could have never done it without you, thank you for being willing to be used by God in my life. There are some things I am asking prayer for as I start this trip....
1. Time management and wisdom as I student teach: Student teaching has proven to be very time consuming and overwhelming at times. Please be praying that I find the time and organization skills to do my very best, even with the distraction of being in a completely new culture!
2. Transportation: One of the difficulties we are having is finding rides to and from the school and my host families house. There may be times when I need to get a taxi or ride the bus. This makes me nervous since I am not fluent in Spanish. Please pray that all those little details would work themselves out with no major problems!
3. My host family: I am going to be living with a Panamanian family during my stay. I don't know if this family speaks English or really anything about them. Pray that I will connect with them and that I will be an encouragement and blessing in their lives while I am staying with them.
4. My time at Crossroads: Please be praying that I will be an encouragement to the missionary teachers that I will be working with at Crossroads Christian Academy. I know that missions work can be very stressful at times and I want to be a blessing while I am there. Also be praying for direction in my life. If missions work is something God wants for my life, pray that I will be open to his calling.

I will try to blog often so keep posted on more news!


  1. Danielle, what an exciting experience. I will be praying for you and will keep your request before me.
    Have a great trip to Panama on Wednesday!

  2. Danielle, I'm so glad you made it to Panama safely without any glitches! Looking forward to reading your posts! Keep them coming.......I will be praying for you every day. You are going to love teaching third graders. Love you! Mom

  3. Dani! Glad you got your blog working. Can't wait to read about your time there :-) Love and miss you.
