Monday, May 31, 2010

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya, Tomorrow!!

Well Tomorrow is the big day! I am so excited for my opportunity to go to El Salvador with Orphan Helpers. Our team (which consists of my friends Samantha and Jo Stevenson) have been preparing both mentally and spiritually for our two week trip, though I dont know if could ever be totally prepared for what is to come. We are expecting God to do amazing things for us and through us on this trip. He has already faithfully provided for us financially, so I suspect he has wonderful plans in store for us. Even before leaving on this trip, God has showed me how big He truly is. Even though I know this, there are many times I do not trust Him like I should. I know I will probably be reminded of this again over the next two weeks.
While we are in El Salvador we will be staying in a girls home called "The Promise House", I am so excited that we will be right there living with these girls and hope to form relationships in the process. This is a home for teenage moms, many of whom already have multiple children, so it will definately be a new expierence for me. During the days we will be going to two different orphanges, CISNA(a girls detention home) and CIPI. We will be doing bible lessons, crafts and just loving on these kids and young women. We will also do any work projects they may need us to do as well. I am so excited to bond with these children and I am praying that I will be of some encouragement to them, though I know from past expirence that they will probably bless me even more.
As for tomorrow, we are leaving at about 3:30 am to go to Norfolk International airport where we will be flying out of, we then have a layover in Atlanta. Once we arrive in El Salvador we will go grocery shopping and settle ourselves into the promise house.
I would truly appreciate it if you would be willing to pray for me while I am on this trip, some specific things you can pray for are:
-Travelling safety
-Safety while in El Salvador
-Effectiveness while in the centers
-Language barriers (this is something I am a little worried about since I do not speak much spanish, Sam is fluent and will be our translator for the trip but please pray I will be able to effectively communicate especially with the children in the centers)
Thank You so much for praying, I will update this as much as possible, so keep reading!!!!


  1. I couldn't get the page to load, so I left a comment on your FB note. I look forward to hearing how God continues to reveal just how big he is. Don't worry about the language too much, you will be sharing the Love of Christ through the love you show. :) Have a awesome time. I will be praying for you.

  2. Danielle,
    I am and will contiune to be praying for you! Your love for others and sharing the Love of Christ and doing HIS will is so evident and challenges me so very much! I am so blessed to have a friend like you. Stay strong and thank you for what you are doing! I love you very much!
    Mary ELizabeth
